Title: Gregor the Gallant Rating: PG Characters: Gregor, Qyburn, Cersei Word Count: 2,127 Summary: Gregor awakens in Qyburn's dungeon suffering from Hollywood!amnesia. Crack!fic.
Title: Ser Gregor's Name Day Rating: PG Characters: Gregor's men, Gregor Word Count: 580 Summary: Gregor's men decide what to get their Ser for his name day. Crack!fic.
These are an assortment of drabbles I wrote for my last drabble request. I'm still taking requests here, by the way. My fellow Gryffindor/Slytherin Quidditch shippers, I feel like jumping back into that fandom so if you guys are still there, suggest something.
Title: Bargain With The Devil Rating: R Pairing: Cersei/Gregor Word Count: 816 Summary: Cersei requires a favor from Gregor Clegane and she's willing to do what she must to get it. Warning: These are two horrible people so this is not a pleasant fic.
Title: Blood And Brothers Rating: PG Word Count: 435 Summary: After the sack of King's Landing, Gregor tries to be big brotherly and Sandor isn't having any of it.
Title: Excerpts From The Diary Of A Mad Mountain Rating: PG Character: Gregor Clegane Word Count: 768 Summary: The deeds of Ser Gregor Clegane in his own words.
Title: Mycah Rating: PG Spoilers: AGoT Characters: Mycah, Sandor Clegane Disclaimer: ASOIAF and its characters belong to GRRM. I am making no money, and am lazy to boot, etc. Summary: Mycah's last moment of life.